My Story

  • Studying Abroad (Story 1)

    When I was 20 years old I went on a journey that changed my life forever. I had no idea what I was signed up for, but a friend of mine convinced me to...

  • Read my story...


    I am an animal loving, veggie eating, big kid for life consumed by wanderlust soaking up the sun (#vitaminD) in Los Angeles, CA. I graduated from Arizona State University with a BA in Communications and a Minor in Family & Human Development. Also, I have a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from Cornell University. 


Hi I'm Taryn and I am 29 years old. I am an animal loving, veggie eating, big kid for life, living in the PNW with my fiancé, Alex, our boston terrier, Cudi, and rescue pig, Penny! On my blog I share all about my vegan lifestyle!