We live on this wonderful planet named Earth. She is a wonderful place that sustains all the life that exists here - it's truly incredible! Without her we would not know life as it currently exists. So, one would say that it is pretty vital to do what we can in order to keep her healthy and saf...The Bee’s Knees When we think of bees, those little black and yellow honey-making babes automatically come to mind. Despite their small stature, these buzzing insects are one of the most important creatures in our ecosystem. Not only are they better than any other stinging insect at creating form...A typical morning for most people consists of getting out of bed and getting dressed. The clothing that we choose to wear shows the outside world who we are, how we feel, what we are doing, and potentially our opinion about the world around us. We buy clothes with many different intentions in min...The fashion industry has a long chain of production. Everything from raw material, textile manufacture, clothing construction, shipping retail, and the eventual disposal of the product can be detrimental to the planet’s health. According to EcoWatch, “A general assessment must take into account n...There is no debate that fashion serves as a form of expression. Even if people aren’t consciously choosing clothing as a means of spreading a message, what they wear tells us a lot about who they are and how they feel. With so many different patterns, textures, and styles to choose from, fashion ...